Mulai Ngeblog Lagi

Oke, jadi isi post ini bakalan bener-bener menceritain si judul di atas. Jadi, kalau ada yang entah kenapa bisa sial banget sampe baca post ini, ya maap kalau bakalan bosen yak.:P

Nah, iya, entah kenapa gue hari ini kesambet pengen nyoba ngeblog lagi. Setelah last attempt gue beberapa tahun yang lalu (sedih banget ternyata udah hampir 2 tahun) gagal total, gue ngerasa ini saatnya gue mulai nulis lagi. Banyak uneg-uneg, ide, curhatan, gombalan, sama geje2an yang perlu ditumpahin ke tulisan, biar gue gak stress. Lama-lama stres juga gue kalo harus kesimpen terus di kepala, semua barang gak jelas itu. Apalagi sekarang gue udah kuliah (eh iya, gue udah kuliah lho.:P), kegiatan udah banyak banget ini itu, padahal baru tingkat pertama, gak ngebayangin dah gimana tar tingkat kedua keatas. Ditambah materi kuliah dan tugas yang susah minta ampun. Juga UTS yang gak karuan soalnya bahkan gue ngerti aja nggak. Tidaakkk,><.

So di atas semua itu, gue mutusin bahwa menulis bakal sedikit banyak membantu gue dari kekacauan hidup (elah, lebay amat) ini. Gak tau juga ngebantunya dimana, pokoknya bakalan asik deh kayaknya. Jadi ya, gue mulai ngeblog lagi nih. Buat seneng-seneng aja, buat nulis-nulis barang-barang gak jelas yang menurut gue pantas ditulis, jadi ya maaf ya kalau konten-konten di sini rada gak jelas gitu. Oh ya, blog ini sebenarnya udah ada beberapa tulisan-tulisan gitu sih, tapi tulisan jaman dulu gitu pas gue masih jaman ababil gak jelas, walau sekarang masih juga sih.:P

Anyway, seneng banget akhirnya bisa mulai nulis lagi. Gue dari kecil selalu seneng nulis-nulis gitu. Pas SMP kayak sok-sokan bijak gitu banyak nulis tulisan-tulisan filosofis terus tentang arti diri dan lain-lain. Trus juga tentang komputer sama organisasi dan manajemen. Pas SMA tambah parah lagi, tapi semuanya gak ada satupun yang gue post di blog. Semua di kertas aja kalo gak di komputer (jaman semono blom punya laptop gue) dan pas gue punya laptop ya di laptop. Dan gue inget, asik kok rasanya bisa nulis-nulis banyak hal gitu, nuangin pikiran dan uneg-uneg ke media tertentu. Yang jelas sih, nih kepala gak kepenuhen dan bisa nampung lebih banyak perkara yang mungkin lebih penting.

Apa lagi yak. Mulai keabisan ide nih gue. Ini juga gue sebenarnya nulis di tengah keharusan untuk mengerjakan tugas lain yang lebih penting. Deadline Jumat sih, tapi masalahnya Jumat juga UTS..--a
Galau pisan euy...

Well, untuk sementara itu dulu deh, setidaknya gue udah mulai nulis lagi. Ayo, semangat terus!

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OSIS 2008 -2009

6 bulan lebih. Aku sudah 6 bulan lebih tak merasakan lelah itu, tak merasakan bingung itu, tak merasakan khawatir itu. Tak ada brainstorming itu lagi.

Hey, apa kabar kalian?

Masih ingatkah kalian saat-saat kita rapat dulu? Saat-saat aku sok-soknya nyuruh ini itu. Sok-soknya nentang ini itu. Sok-soknya marah-marah ini itu. Saat aku SMS panjang gak karuan, cuma buat bilang rapat atau terima kasih. Saat aku maksa-maksa brain storming, rapat koordinasi, dan hal-hal baru lain. Saat-saat rapat bersama, ketinggalan pelajaran. Saat-saat OSIS?

Kawan, aku hanya ingin menulis kenanganku sama kalian. Hanya merindukan sosok-sosok yang sudah membentuk diriku, yang tak pernah akan kulupakan. I miss all of u.

Ukh Kun : Antara panutan sama tangan kanan. Ketua paling terpercaya. Kalau ada masalah pasti ana minta sarannya ke anti..:D Walaupun lebih muda setahun, pikirannya kayak lebih tua setahun. Super dewasa. Great leader. Alhamdulillah ada ketua sekaliber anti yang bantuin. Kalo gak, gak tahu deh jadinya gimana OSIS kita.he..:D

Rizal : Most supportive award deh. Selalu supportive dimana-mana. Mood maker barengan sama Okky. Selalu belajar dan belajar untuk maju. Keinginan kuat, visi jelas. Badan apalagi. Hehe, just kidding zal.. Great ways buat menyeimbangi Kun yang serius.

Deny : Ketua favorit. Sangat spontan. Kadang-kadang nyebelin banget, tapi lebih sering sangat membantu. Teguh, keinginan kuat. Gak gampang putus asa. Paling berani. Salut deh Den..:D

Fathir : Proyek Ketua kelas 1. Struggling most of the year. Keinginan, visi, dan confident sangat kuat. Contoh energi yang sangat baik bagi para ketua. Kurang tenang, tapi ditutupi dengan skill dan keberanian. Good job.:D

Chelsea : Rajin. Sangat rajin, manutan. Korban marah-marah. ;P Tahan banting atas masalah, lini depan dari kelas satu. Kerjanya excellent, great ideas, persistent. Sangat membantu saat banyak masalah, great organizer. Kadang-kadang kurang membawa diri aja di tengah senior2..:D Proyek sekum yang sukses besar. Excellent job, ukhti.

Deasy : Korban kejahatan. Paling sering nangis habis aku marah-marah. Tapi paling cepat recover dan bekerja. Sangat tanggap, manutan, rajin. Santai, hampir seperti Decy, lagaknya kayak gak tau apa-apa. Contoh yang baik untuk tetap tenang dalam masalah. Awesome, des.

Rohma : Korban marah-marah juga. Jiwanya pemberontak kayaknya, ngelawan mulu. Tapi akhirnya kerjanya pasti selesai. Spesialis double tasking- bendahara/sekretaris. Menampung tekanan dengan baik. Santai, tanggap, cekatan. Proyek kelas 1 yang sukses. Excellent, ma.:D

Kus : Inti paling favorit dan multitalented. Super supportive seperti Rizal. Excellent thinker seperti Kun. Rajin seperti Chelsea. Selalu belajar dan memberi contoh yang baik bagaimana membangun kekeluargaan. Penasehat tak resmi. Skill as bendahara, amazing. Good thing I chose you.:D
Sidiq : Vision, confident, connection. Pekerja keras. Selalu belajar dan mengambil hikmah. Manutan, berpikir logis. Tanggap, efisien, cekatan. Excellent person to work in an organization. Bangga akhirnya kau jadi ketos.
Good job, boy.:D

Okky : dengan giatnya jadi SKI ‘dadakan’, ini itu kontak sini situ sama SKI, buat hampir semua kegiatan. Spesialis sie peralatan sama Baba n Anggi. Great helper di sana-sini. Rajin dan berani. Great people to work with..:D

Titus : masih merasa dibilang ‘gak cah OSIS’?he..:P. Penyegar suasana. Kerja hampir flawless di sekbidnya.

Cil : lancar-lancar aja kegiatannya, kebanyakan malah di sekbid lain.he. Great job mbak cil. Hampir kerja di semua bidang, ya nggak?

Decy : howah-howoh ae. Lagaknya gak tau ini itu. Kerjanya dimana-mana juga. Semangat tinggi, thanks buat Pamer, tetep berusaha sampai titik akhir. Sukses buat tahun ini ya!

Anggi : Mas cool. Efisien n efektif, tanggap, tenang. Jarang banget panic. Saran-saran dan ide-idenya cemerlang. Tenang kalau bekerja sama kau, nggi. Study tournya sukses besar, makasih ya..kapan-kapan jalan bareng lagi sama mas-mas BMR.

Fathia : Mbak kalem. Tenang, manutan lagi. Great organizer. Great coordinator. Sabar, cermat, tajam. Skill komunikasi yang sangat baik, ke para ketua dan inti. Great great job. MOSnya keren. :D

Teguh : Penasehat gak resmi nih kau. Pikiran cemerlang, banyak membantu di sana-sini. Sama kayak namamu, kau juga teguh. Selalu berkomunikasi dengan sangat baik dalam
bekerja. Memory book, bukti ketangguhanmu. Sip!

Ela : Haha, mbak panikan. Satu dari dua kabid yang paling menakutkan. :P. Gampang marah dan ngambek. Tapi kalau udah bener-bener kerja, determinasi luar biasa, dan manutan. Kadang-kadang terlalu manut deh. ICT, aku yang salah, kamu yang menyelamatkan. Thanks ya, you go girl!

Baba : Cekatan, tanggap, efisien, efektif. Satu tipe sama anggi nih, mas baba, he. Kabid paling keren, paling mandiri. Perasaan Liga Smada aku cuma bantu arahan doang deh. Udah jadi sendiri tiba2, he..:D

Lely : Hadeh, sampai juga deh. Hehe, just kidding. Salah satu kabid paling talented. Dan juga paling menakutkan. He.. Gampang marah dan ngambek. Posisi terbalik di BIAS. Kamu yang nyuruh2 to lel? ..:D Tau apa yang harus dilakukan tanpa diberitahu, cuman gampang ngambek aja..he.:P

Aku sendiri : Selalu marah-marah sini situ. Selalu bikin rapat panjang. Selalu bilang masalah motivational. Ngurusin hal-hal gak penting. Gampang panikan. Gak ada kharisma. Tapi keinginan kuat, visi nya juga. Selalu ingin memperbaiki diri. he..:D

Aku rindu bekerja bersama kalian. Aku rindu perasaan menjadi di tengah orang-orang terbaik yang membantuku menjalankan OSIS. Aku rindu menjadi bagian dari sebuah keluarga. Aku rindu kalian, keluargaku di sekolah.:D

Capek nulis,:P series lanjutannya buat anak2 OSIS yang lain. Tunggu aja..:D

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Saya bersyukur, saya diberi kesempatan ini, mendapat pengalaman sebagai siswa pertukaran pelajar. Bukannya karena saya sudah bisa pergi ke Amerika Serikat, yang katanya negeri serba-segala itu. Bukan juga karena saya bisa mengalahkan ribuan peserta lain. Bukan juga karena saya bisa punya banyak teman bule, cantik-cantik dan ganteng-ganteng. Bukan, bukan semua itu.
Tapi karena pengalaman ini, menambah satu lagi kelebihan saya.

Saya sekarang benar-benar hidup.

Live my life.

Mungkin terdengar klise, tapi percaya atau tidak, walaupun kita selama ini berpikir kita menikmati hidup, mungkin kita belum benar-benar meng’hidup’i hidup kita. Belum benar-benar hidup, as we supposed to.

Di masa-masa awal SD, saya merasa kalah, tak mendapat peringkat 1 di kelas. Saya bangun, saya melawan, dan saya menang.
Di masa SMP, saya merasa belum puas atas diri saya. Saya bangkit, saya mencoba, saya berhasil, saya kembali menang. Saya berjaya, malahan.
Di masa SMA, saya melihat kesempatan untuk lebih maju. Saya raih semua kesempatan itu, saya buka semua pintu yang ada. Saya masuki semua ruang yang tersisa untuk saya.
Tak mulus jalan saya kali ini, saya terpaksa harus menerima sedikit kekalahan.
Di sini saya mulai belajar. Bahwa gagal itu pedih. Bahwa kemenangan mereka itu mengesalkan.

Lalu di sinilah saya.
Amerika Serikat, negeri serba-segala. Segala apapun jua ada di sini. Segala kesempatan yang ada tersedia di sini.
Tapi saya kalah. Bahkan sebelum menang.
Saya hanya berpura-pura menang, saya tak pernah benar-benar menang.
I am nothing.

Tapi di sini saya belajar.
Bahwa hidup adalah hidup. Hidup bukan untuk dikontrol, hidup adalah untuk dijalani. Terdengar simple, tapi sangat rumit.

Saya berhenti mencoba mengontrol hidup saya. Saya berhenti berusaha keras menjadi yang terbaik. Saya berhenti berusaha keras menjadi dia yang bisa ini dan dia yang bisa itu. Saya berhenti mencoba membuat orang-orang di sekitar saya menyukai saya. Saya berhenti berusaha keras membuat orang-orang di sekitar saya bahagia.
Saya berhenti berusaha bergerak. Saya berhenti berlari dalam hidup ini.

Saya duduk, berbaring.

Saya melihat, saya mendengar,

Saya merasakan.

Saya merasakan perasaan ‘terbaik’ itu. Saya merasakan apa yang bisa saya lakukan. Saya merasakan kasih dari orang-orang di sekitar saya. Saya merasakan kebahagiaan orang-orang di sekitar saya. Saya berhenti. Saya berhenti berlari.

Saya mengambil nafas.

Saya berhenti dari struggle.

Saya menjalani hari dengan senyum. Saya menyapa semua orang dengan ramah. Saya membayar biaya-biaya. Saya mengakui kesalahan-kesalahan saya. Saya mengungkapan kegundahan saya. Saya bilang, saya ‘iri’. Saya bilang, saya tidak ingin berpacaran. Saya minta maaf. Saya berlari mengejar bola. Saya mencoba hal-hal baru. Saya bilang “I’ll just do it.” Saya makan. Saya minum. Saya tidur. Saya tak berpikir. Saya menjalani apa yang harus dijalani. Saya mengatur jadwal. Saya memilih. Saya menghapus penyesalan. Saya berjalan. Saya serius. Saya tak banyak bicara. Saya tak peduli. Saya rindu rumah. Saya tak ingin pulang. Saya berkata jujur. Saya menulis notes. Saya spontan. Saya kehabisan kata-kata.

Live is not to be controlled by you. Stop controlling your life to be perfect. Instead, feel it. Feel the love from surround you. Feel that greatness, feel that happiness. Do what you do. Don't stop it. Don't be afraid.

Live your life.

Live it your way.

Face it, deal with it, get over it.


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A Little Bit from me...

This is one of my dialogue about Islam with my hostmom.
I'm definitely a human, so i definitely have a lot of mistakes. So, please tell me what things that i explain not in the way it should be, and i'll clarify it to my hostmom.

This is based on my memory, so it has a little bit modification, because i have a limited memory.haha..:D


My host mom and I take our dog for a walk in one evening..
Before this part of dialogue, we talked about George W Bush, which led us to this dialogue..

Me : Ya, a lot of Indonesian, and Muslim country's people don't like USA because George W Bush. Not exactly to him personally, but his action, invading Moslem's country, and even support Israel further to invade Palestine. I do know that not all US's citizen/people bad, and neither thinks that war is the best way to solve the problem, but other people might be think differently.

Mom : Ya, it's called stereotype. I don't think he is that bad, but i also don't think he is good. But the point is, your people, and Moslems, see Americans through him,and you know, his image is the war of Afganistan and Iraq.

Me : Ya, actually that also happen with Islam. Islam is not terrorist, at all. It doesn't even make sense that there are people who say that Islam is terrorism. I'm not trying to say that Mr. Bush is kinda those people, but it looks like he related Moslem with terrorist. It is not like that, because the terrorist, might be a moslem, but it's not the real moslem. They are a small amount of Moslem, that see the God's rule, the God's order in the wrong way. You know, i'm sorry, but i think there are also people in other religion, maybe yours, that do some terrible terrorism things, but there aren't people think about their religion is related to their action. So does moslem, actually. Other Moslem, except them, is absolutely have no idea about doing those terrible things. We don't even like the way they do it, just like your people don't like the way Bush do his war. I personally feel sorry for them (the terrorist), because they only make Islam even worse in world's opinion. And they think, they do the God's order. That is pathetic, i think.

Mom : Ya, absolutely. We are just like that. We don't even like war. I mean, i'm not opposing against George Bush, but i personally don't like Iraq war, Afganistan war, and Israel war. And a lot of US's people don't like that too, i belief.

Me : Ya, that's why i'm here. My duty, as an exchange student, to bring an understanding between us, between the two world. People won't be really understand what is US's people thought before they got here, and they hear, see, and feel your (US people) thought. And your people also, i don't think you will be understand what we feel about US action to Moslem countries, unless you hear it from the real people who live in Moslem countries, just like me.

Mom : You're absolutely right, Pandu. That is a really good point. ---i forget this part-
By the way, did you hear about the death of the terrorist in Indonesia? I saw the news on internet.

Me : Oh yeah. I know that. Ya, that person -the terrorist- is kinda the leader of the terrorist organization in Indonesia, which has been chased by the police for years. Well, he isn't really Indonesian, he is Malaysian, but he is the one who arranged many bomb tragedy in Indonesia. He is not kinda people who is really smart and make the bomb, or whatever. But he is the one who have the skill to recruit the squad. You know, brainwashing, kinda hypnotic, or whatever. He is really good in that, as he could make people have enough bravery to do the suicide bomb.

Mom : Wow, that's kinda creepy, rite? Thank god he has already dead.

Me : Ya. There is a lot of awesome people in the terrorism organization. The bomb maker, for example. I have read an article about them. It was said there, they even can make a bunch of sugar became a bomb. Not just sugar, of course, but with additional compound. Dr. Azahari, which is the leader in this matter, can determine how much the ingredients/component should be provided to demolish a building by just see the building. And he can make the new recruitments people near as good as him just by several months.
They are smart people.Brilliant. I believe they are also have read and learned about Islam more than I did, more than many people did. That's what we, the others Moslem always wonder, how can they even think to do those terrible things, with those smart brain? In my opinion, they have read far, but not far enough too learn what is the God's order is. They stop in the middle, and didn't finish, so they didn't get the real message.

You know the word 'jihad' right, Mom? I think you said that to me in the other day.

Mom : Ya, i know that.

Me : The terrorist, all they think about jihad is war. For them, jihad only means to kill people whom we called 'kafir', which is people who are not moslem. And for them, the only way to do the God's order is to kill them, whatever it takes. Even if it will take their life, even if it will take another Moslem's life. They even kill Moslem,in some of their action. And the worst part is, they think that they did the God's order. They think they will go to heaven by doing that.
And the fact is not like that, at all.
'Jihad' itself, have a very wide range definition. It means struggle or do the good things in God's way. People who did jihad will go to the heaven straightly. After death, in our belief, our good deeds/worships and sins will be counted. And if you did more good deeds you'll go to heaven, and if you did more sins, you'll go to hell. It is actually a little bit more others things that will affect the counting, but it's a little bit complicated, i'll tell you later. The people who did jihad, will go straightly to the heaven, without go to this thing first.

Mom : ah, interesting.

Me :You know, mothers, if they die in the birth process, they also did jihad. They will go to heaven straightly.

Mom : Oh really? That's interesting. I have never been heard that. I don't think other people know that too.

Me : Ya, there are a lot of things that are counted as jihad. Another example, if you study to get knowledge, that also jihad. If you killed or died in the way to reach your school, or study, it's count as jihad. I'm not pretty sure about this, but i think it's true. I'll look for it later and tell you.

Mom : Prophet Muhammad Saw. actually is peace-lover. He always told his army to not harm innocent people, not harm the people who doesn't fight back. Fighting, war, killing kafir people, is not the only way to do jihad. Killing innocent kafir people even isn't counted as jihad, at all. Prophet Muhammad saw always taught that the enemy is the people who fight back. In the history, when his army entered Mecca, which is already weaken and cannot fight against his army, he said that to his army before entering Mecca. They are not allowed to kill or harm people who not fight back.

Mom : wow, that's interesting. I don't know that before. You should talk to people about that, Pandu. It is a very good fact. We should talk about it more.
--we have already reached our home again--

Me : Okay mom. Thank you, it was a very good walk. I'm glad i went with you.

Mom : Oh, good. I'm glad if you happy, then!!



As i said before, i definitely made a lot of mistakes, but i don't know what are them.
So please tell me, i won't be angry or whatever. I will be very happy..:D

The point i learn from this conversation is, that actually both the side (Moslem countries and US) think they know what the people on the other side think about themselves. And that's not 100% true.

Moslem countries people think that US people think that Moslem countries are terrorist (confusing, huh). But they don't. I mean, most of them don't.

US's people think that Moslem countries people hate US. Well, yes, we might do. But it is because we don't know what the fact. We hate their action, not them. Once again, most of us, i believe.

So the point is, all of this chaos happens because misunderstanding.

And you know what the best part is?

that's what actually i, and thousands exchange students, are working on...:D


Lagi-lagi, postingan beberapa bulan yang lalu...:D

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Aku karo sahabat bijak..:D



gek tahun ngarep dibuka kelas anyar lho..

kelas opo?

sing aku bakal seneng banget njukuk,,



sing aku bakal seneng banget njukuk,,

aku nggak ngerti.

Robotics class.


asem tenan mtung aku...


lapo gak dijumuk?

tahun iki urung enek..

pembukaan pertama tahun ngarep..

tahun iki (karo 4 tahun belakang)

baru jadi klub,,

tapi mergo sukses ra eram (16 sakdunia)..

didadekno kelas..:D:D

wenak. aku moco statusmu kok.

kon ancene pinter Ndu.

heh, sing ndi eg?

hurting myself?


mosok menyakiti diri sendiri iku pinter eg?


halah kabeh yo pinter lik..:D:D

ora. awakmu ancene logikane joss.

gak masalaah ngurus robot-robot.

aku paling mek iso ngerusak. haha.

biasa ae lik..

awkmu iku lho..

mesti statuse keren2..

koyok wong bijak ngono..

logika/smart akademik mah ra ono opo2 ne..:D:D

aku ki pengen iso dadi wong bijak..


ndlendem nah aku ke..

impian ra nggenah..:D:D

haha. yo digawe saling melengkapi ae. lek kerjo ndek perusahaan awakmu dadi peneliti aku dadi HRD.

adil kan? haha.

lah, mantep wi..

tapi awakmu sing terkenal ngko..


aku ndlendem..




podo wae. ndlendem ndlendem bareng.

aku dadi ketua osis, melu ngene2 barang..

pengen mengembangkan kepribadian..

pengen berjiwa pemimpin..

podo Ndu.

wlaupun gak dadi pemimpin, sing penting jiwane wis..

dadi iso memimpin diriku sendiri ke dalan terbaik, yo to?



podo kok Ndu.

pengenku yo gak adoh2.


aku mek pengen urip seng genah, bermanfaat, nduwe keluarga apik2.

nek wis iso nang dalan terbaik, tujuane yo siji tho lik..


ngerti to?

mesti pikirane awake dhewe podo..:D:D


podo2 nelongso pikirane podo.


iyo, cuma bertuju pada Allah swt sing iso nggarai tenang..

yo tho bro?


bener bro.

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Well, 4 months, eh?

"We will running errand, we'll come back in just a while."

Okay, that's what my brother said, about 2 and half minutes ago, when he went to the car with my dad to run an errand at the town.

Now i'm alone here, at the house. My mom is getting her hair cut, my sister is going with my brother and my dad. Messing around in the house, i guess, thing i could do.
But instead, i'm just sitting here, in front of my Alienware computer my family specially prepared for me here. I opened facebook and email, the top 2 things i do when i connect to internet. Then accidently, i move the mouse and the pointer stop at the very bottom left monitor. Guess what?

Yes, it is the date and time bar. And it showed : Saturday, December 12, 2009.

you know a feeling when you see something and accidentally you remember something and shout "Oh!" hysterically?

That's not happen to me, don't worry. :P

But anyway, i still remember something. Actually, not something, but someone. He was an officer in the airport, when he gave me this manual book about something i don't even want to know, since i was stuck in this special room in the airport with other 'special' students, left behind other students who had sucessfully passed through the airport thingy. Later i found the book is a book that i have to bring and show again to the airport officer when i want to go home. I was likel, what the heck was wrong with me so i have to bring this weird book? Anyway, he (the officer) was kinda nice, though. Lol..:P

That was 4 months and 3 days ago. And that was, the first time i landed here, in the land of America. Being left by the groups and extra 3 hours waiting in the airport for the sake of possibility that i am a 'bad' person, probably? Okay, guess America had a very nice first impression of me..haha..:P

And two days later, i was in this small inn in SouthBend, waiting for my family came and pick me up.
I had no idea how they would look like, and had no idea, what it would be, to my start my 1-year life here.(By the way, FYI, i got my email of placement during my trip, i read the email in the airport, so, i hadn't talked and known them very much.). One by one, other exchange students there, was picked up, until finally it comes to me and a students from Thailand.

And there they were, my mom and my big brother.
Ii was so happy when i met them. I was kinda shy, but hell, what am i supposed to feel when you meet persons who will be your family during next one year?

I spent three hours later in the car along the way to my new home, 4150 S 975 S, Zionsville 46077. (yes, i spent a month later to finally stuck that address in my head).

Along that way, i was like,
"It's awesome. I'm in USA. I'm in USA. I'm in USAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...!!

Okay, that was in my mind. I'm not that crazy, :P.

Oh, and i thinked that in Indonesian, anyway.:D

The first day i was here, i was kinda freaking out, realizing the fact that i would have to speak English everythime everywhere to everyone no matter what. That's insane, for a mountainous 17-year old village boy like me. Almost 10,000 miles far away from home, i was nervously stayed up all night that day, no even kidding.

Gosh, i have already been here for 4 months. Yet i feel yesterday i just landed my feet in the Dulles Airport, Washington.
It has been unbeliavable 4 months for me, being in such a great environment like Zionsville.

Zionsville was a kind of town i want to live when grow up, even in Indonesia. It has a lot of green spaces, fresh air, but still has a lot of people and facilities. I love living here, really.

I had a lot of problems, in the early months here, even i still have problems now.
But, friend, who has no problem?

I am so happy, that i get the chance to know you all. You are a really amazing friends i met here.
I have so much fun times with you.

I remember a crazy trip to boys soccer state finals, almost lost in the downtown Indy, and Ilkin had himself stopped the car, open the window, and yelled "can i get some candies" every time we saw people trick or treating.

Another crazy trip to forensic extra credit lecture in IUPUI with Ilkin and Brandon. Had fun times running around trying to find where we parked Ilkin's car. Hey, you make me pay the parking rate, Ilkin. Lol.

Going to awesome swing dance with Tori, Chandler, Stephanie, Lia, and Adam. It was some intense dance there, girls, wasn't it? Who was the man's name? Was it phil or bill? He was awesome. Haha..:D
Anyway,the trip itself was a fun time. Being in the wrong side of the road and not realizing for a while was pretty neat. lol..:D. Right, guys?

The night hide and seek game at Berger's house. Tanner and Lionel were pretty awesome. The bonfire was kinda of cool, i think..:D Sidney being berserk with his fireworks and harry potter obsession. Lee-Sien suffered a little pain in her arm from one of Sidney's spell. Haha..:D

The robotics tournament was amazing, although we lost in the finals, it such a great experience for me. With only "temporary" design robot, it was miracle for me that we made it to the final. I'm still kinda of mad though, with that 'lost'. I think we should win. that 2 orange footballs wasn't touching the wall, was it?

Volleyball Intramural is the bomb..:D First win last wednesday guys, way to go!!
so much fun with the Sockem' Boppers!!

Some parties, hangouts, and other stuffs, and even in the classes.

Forensic being so fun because i can meet Ilkin, Brandon, and Kevin. You guys with me have so much fun complaining all the time in class, which make King freak out and yelling. haha..:D

Journalism is fun. Not really doing much there, but there i met you, Bethany. I'm so happy in this class.:D That political satire project was pretty awesome also, Ryan and Sam. It was so bad that we don't have the right technologies to made it.

And many others.

I'm pretty tired writing, haha.

I believe there are reasons I am here. I believe God has plan for me, having such a great opportunities to see the other side of the world.
I believe, it's not just coincidence that i meet you guys here.
I believe, i will not forget all of you for the rest of my life.

Guys, you all are more than friends to me..:D

hey ,my brother, Pierce, just called me to start build the christmas tree in our house. I am so happy watching him so excited to do it. Tonight I will see Invictus with my family. another one fun thing..:D

With all that, tons of things to do, great family here and back home in Indonesia, and amazing friends like YOU..

I just wanna say, "what could be better?"...

Pandu Putra
December 12th, 2009

Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program
Zionsville, Indiana


Btw ini post an ku sekitar 1 bulan lalu, pas itu lagi males ngeblog, jadi cuma ngepost di Facebook, hehe..:D

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Jati diri - part 3

Seperti kata pepatah, “pengalaman adalah guru terbaik”, satu jalan terbaik untuk mencapai identitas diri adalah mengalaminya. Bukan secara harfiah, melainkan secara aplikatif, dimana seseorang dituntut untuk betul-betul “mengalami” pengalaman menjadi dirinya sendiri. Sebuah tahapan hidup dimana tidak ada definisi spesifik yang dapat menjelaskannya, karena definisi itu hanya didapatkan oleh manusia itu sendiri. Proses unik menuju jati diri, dimana setiap manusia memiliki jalannya masing-masing. Jalan dimana setiap orang mengalami jatuh di lubang kegagalan, dan atau terbang di atas awan keberhasilan. Sebuah eksistensi yang hanya dapat dirasakan oleh naluri manusia itu sendiri, yang hanya dapat dilihat oleh mata batin manusia itu sendiri. Trial and error, salah satu bagian dari pencarian ini. Di titik kritis dimana keinginan tak muncul dan kebutuhan mulai menampakkan diri, semua akan lebih jelas, mana yang sebenarnya manusia itu, dan mana yang “seharusnya” manusia itu. Anda pasti tahu, yang mana yang menjadi jati diri Anda. Saya percaya, there is no way to FIND it, as the only way is to BE it.

Terakhir, saya jadi ingat, baru saja kemarin saya melihat film di rumah bersama hostbrother saya di sini, judulnya “The Day The Earth Stood Still”. Dalam film itu, seorang professor berusaha meyakinkan seorang utusan alien yang akan menyelamatkan bumi dengan memusnahkan ras manusia yang dianggap perusak. Professor itu mengatakan demikian, “Semua makhluk akan berubah di titik kritis. Sebagai insting dasar untuk bertahan hidup, kami akan berubah dan berusaha untuk menyelamatkan bumi ini, menyadari kenyataan bahwa bumi sedang menuju kehancuran . Ini adalah momen kami. Beri kami kesempatan, dan kau akan melihat sisi lain dari manusia.”

Inti yang saya dapat di sini, adalah, untuk menjadi sesuatu yang sesuai dengan hakikatnya, seluruh entitas akan melewati sebuah proses kompleks yang unik yang hanya mampu dicoba, bukan dicari atau ditemukan. Saya sendiri melewati hampir 5 tahun terakhir dalam hidup saya ini bertanya-tanya mengenai jati diri saya, hakikat saya hidup di dunia ini. Namun saya sampai sekarang pun belum mampu menemukannya. Yang saya tahu, saya sekarang sedang mengalaminya, dan tinggal menunggu waktu sampai saya tahu, apa yang sedang saya alami sekarang.

Pandu Kartika Putra
10.30 PM, December 16th, 2009
1st floor, 4150 S 975 E, Zionsville, IN, USA

Entah kenapa saya jadi "gila", nulis perkara gak jelas 3 halaman..
tapi ya gini ini kalau lagi dapet inspirasi,..:D

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